Have you ever wondered exactly what tools our dental hygienist uses to give your teeth that thorough cleaning that makes your mouth feel so fresh right after a dental visit? Well, wonder no longer. Here is the shortlist of our dental instruments. Tiny Mirror To get a good look at the backside of your teeth, and to explore all the... read more »
Traveling is a ton of fun. But it’s also exhausting, and when you fall into your hotel bed or tent at night, it’s easy to put off important things - like brushing your teeth. It’s entirely possible, and it’s even easy, to end up traveling with healthy teeth, however. Today, we’ll look at how you can start traveling with healthy... read more »
Have you ever suffered from extreme tenderness in your jaws? Do you ever have pain when biting or suffer from headaches or other issues in your head, neck or facial areas? Chronic jaw or facial pain is often an indication of a deeper underlying condition that needs to be treated. To determine what is causing your jaw and facial pain,... read more »
Brushing your teeth is a simple step to do each day. Brushing your teeth removes the plaque buildup and potential cavities from destroying them. However, if you are not brushing correctly, you could be spreading bacteria causing more harm to your smile. Our dentist, Dr. Jennifer Ortega with Ortega Dental Winter Park in Winter Park, Florida, is happy to help... read more »
If you are ready to whiten your smile with an over-the-counter whitening treatment, our dentist, Dr. Jennifer Ortega, would like to make sure you know everything about the treatment so you know exactly what to expect. Unfortunately, many over-the-counter treatments have side effects that can affect your oral health. It’s best to thoroughly research the treatment before you begin the... read more »
Smoking, chewing tobacco, and other tobacco products can introduce complex chemicals and tar to your mouth. Not only can this have a negative effect on your medical and oral health, it can also alter the appearance of your teeth. Even occasional tobacco use can cause significant dental stains, which might be further emphasized by the frequent consumption of dark beverages.... read more »
Sometimes a hard fall or an accidental blow to the mouth can carry enough force to cause significant dental trauma. This might cause damage to your gums, teeth, and other soft oral tissues. In a moment like this you will likely need to seek emergency treatment from a dentist like Dr. Jennifer Ortega. In the interim, some basic first-aid measures... read more »
Some people develop a problem with grinding their teeth as they sleep. This condition, which is known as bruxism, can pose a significant threat to the integrity of your teeth and the overall function of your mouth. Sometimes the force exerted by clenching your jaw muscles and grinding your teeth can damage your tooth enamel. This can eventually lead to... read more »
If you would like to dramatically improve your smile, look no further than cosmetic dentistry. Numerous cosmetic dentistry treatments exist to dramatically enhance your smile by restoring broken teeth, replacing lost or missing teeth, and giving your smile an improved color and shine. If you are looking for a tooth restoration procedure to repair damaged or unsightly teeth, consider oral... read more »
The American Dental Association advocates a consistent daily oral hygiene regimen based on brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as remembering to thoroughly floss your teeth at least once per day. This is intended to clear away plaque buildup, sugar residue, and trapped food particles. If they are not removed from your mouth each day it can... read more »