The American Dental Association advocates a consistent daily oral hygiene regimen based on brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as remembering to thoroughly floss your teeth at least once per day. This is intended to clear away plaque buildup, sugar residue, and trapped food particles.
If they are not removed from your mouth each day it can lead to the increased build up of plaque acids and the calcification of hardened tartar at the gumline. This could increase your chances of suffering from cavities and worsening periodontal disease.
After brushing and flossing you might want to vigorously rinse your mouth with a small amount of antiseptic mouthwash. This can help you clear loosened food matter while also killing any lingering oral bacteria.
Just keep in mind that while antiseptic mouthwash can kill bacteria, it is only intended to augment your brushing and flossing efforts. It cannot physically clean away bacterial deposits from between teeth and along the gumline.
When shopping for antiseptic mouthwash you should always look for the ADA’S Seal of Acceptance on the packaging. This ensures that the active ingredients have been tested for safety and effectiveness.
If you live in the Winter Park, Florida, region and you have questions about the effectiveness of your daily oral hygiene regimen, you should call 407-645-3636 to schedule a dental checkup at Ortega Dental Winter Park.