Jaw and Facial Pain

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Have you ever suffered from extreme tenderness in your jaws? Do you ever have pain when biting or suffer from headaches or other issues in your head, neck or facial areas? Chronic jaw or facial pain is often an indication of a deeper underlying condition that needs to be treated. To determine what is causing your jaw and facial pain, you should schedule an appointment to see Dr. Jennifer Ortega.

If you’re suffering from chronic jaw and facial pain, it may be treated with something as simple as a muscle relaxer or pain reliever. However, it may often be linked to an underlying condition that must first be treated as well. Visit your dentist for a comprehensive exam and X-rays if needed.

Common causes of jaw and facial pain include the following:

gum disease
temporomandibular joint disorders
oral accidents
dental damage due to tooth hazards
pulp damage
sinus issues

If you know are dealing with any of the above issues, visit our dentist for an examination. Once your dentist understands what is causing your jaw and facial pain, an appropriate treatment plan can be created.

If there is anything more you would like to know about jaw and facial pain, contact our dental office in Winter Park, Florida. You are welcome to schedule an appointment by calling us at 407-645-3636. We look forward to taking your smile and your oral health care to the next level with jaw and facial pain treatments.